Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hollywood and Politics

As I was scrolling through webpages trying to find something interesting to write about, I stumbled across this article. I was worried that nothing would attract my attention, I have a hard time focusing on the news. But this caught my eye because it seemed different then all the other hard hitting news on the web page. The article is titled, "Do celebrity endorsements matter?" And the title is concerning whether or not celebrities have influence in changing your mind and opinions during an election.
Whether you like or you don't like celebrities, you can not deny that pop culture is taking over our world in a certain way. The things celebrities do and say take up so much of our time, they are everywhere. They have a big pull over certain people and why not use that power to influence their preferred party? The biggest and best example that the article states about this is Oprah's big influence in the 2008 race when she was pushing for Obama. Oprah worked well as an endorsement because she is not one of the crazy celebrities in our day, she is honest and credible and everybody trusts her.
Also these political endorsements that celebrities do need to have the correct demographic picked out. The article states that Eva Longoria recently pushed for Woman to vote for Obama because of Romney's planned parenthood plan. That is obviously something aimed towards young woman adults or just adult woman. In that case, they picked the perfect celebrity to back that idea and issue.
Reading this article was crazy to me. I knew that celebrities were slowly taking over our lives, being all over the news and plastered every around our towns. But I never thought of them using their power to influence something so big and important in our lives. The words they say can greatly impact many peoples votes and even change the outcome of the race.

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