Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama claims to have lead, but may be wrong.

With this election coming to a boil pretty soon, voting is to happen in a matter of only a week and a few days, whoever is pulling ahead is vital information. Obama said in an interview with NBC that he still has the lead over Romney, but he may have been mistaken. A poll shows that Romney is pulling in 47% of voters compared to a 45% with Obama. Although this gap can be quickly filled, it is a very close race.
Obama had a stronger point with woman, more woman supported him. But Romney slashed his 16 point lead, turning int into a tie among the woman. In turn, Obama smashed Romney's 13 point advantage amongst men to a mere 5 points. It is obvious that Obama's loss amongst the woman population is bigger, and the president try to make a comeback from that. He brought up how Richard Mourdock said that a baby during rape can be something "God intended to" Romney's campaign although, even though he is pro life, states that he wouldn't force a child in cases of rape and incest so he furthered himself from the comment. Obama's team is trying to connect this comment to Romney though, trying to get his advantage with Woman voters back up.
As this race comes to an end, things are getting heated and things are getting close. May the best man win. Who do you think that man should be?

1 comment:

  1. Great question to engage your readers, but you do not provide your opinion and rationale for that opinion.
